Some communities are “GP deserts”, where there are too few GPs to ensure everyone can get the care they need when they need it. These communities are typically sicker and poorer than the rest of Australia, but receive less care and face higher fees.

At the 2025 federal election, all parties should commit to changing that. The next government – whether Labor or Coalition, majority or minority – should set a minimum level of access to GP care, and fund local schemes to fill the worst gaps.

People in GP deserts miss out on care

About half a million Australians live in GP deserts. These are communities in the bottom 5% for GP services per person. Most GP deserts are in remote Queensland, Western Australia and the Northern Territory, and some are in Canberra.

People in GP deserts receive 40% fewer GP services than the national average. This means less of the essential check-ups, screening and medication management GPs provide.

Nurses and Aboriginal health workers help plug some of the gap, but even then GP deserts aren’t close to catching up to other areas.

And some people miss out altogether. Last year, 8% of people older than 65 in these areas didn’t see the GP at all, compared to less than 1% in the rest of the country.

GP writes script for patient.
People in GP deserts receive 40% fewer GP services than the national average. (Stephen Barnes/Shutterstock).

Poorer and sicker places miss out, year after year

GP deserts are in the worst possible places. These communities are typically sicker and poorer, so they should be getting more care than the rest of Australia, not less.

People in GP deserts are almost twice more likely to go to hospital for a condition that might have been avoided with good primary care, or to die from an avoidable cause.

Most GP deserts are in the bottom 40% for wealth, yet pay more for care. Patients in GP deserts are bulk billed six percentage points less than the national average.

These communities miss out year after year. While rises and falls in national bulk billing rates get headlines, the persistent gaps in GP care are ignored. The same communities have languished well below the national average for more than a decade.

Policies to boost rural primary care don’t go far enough

Most GP deserts are rural, so recent policies to boost rural primary care could help a bit.

In response to rising out-of-pocket costs, the government has committed A$3.5 billion to triple bulk-billing payments for the most disadvantaged. Those payments are much higher for clinics in rural areas. An uptick in rural bulk billing last year is an early indication it may be working.

New rural medical schools and programs should help boost rural GP supply, since students who come from, and train in, rural areas are more likely to work in them. A “rural generalist” pathway recognises GPs who have trained in an additional skill, such as obstetrics or mental health services.

But broad-based rural policies are not enough. Not all rural areas are GP deserts, and not all GP deserts are rural. Australia also needs more tailored approaches.

Local schemes can work

Some communities have taken matters into their own hands.

In Triabunna on Tasmania’s east coast, a retirement in 2020 saw residents left with only one GP, forcing people to travel to other areas for care, sometimes for well over an hour. This was a problem for other towns in the region too, such as Swansea and Bicheno, as well as much of rural Tasmania.

In desperation, the local council has introduced a A$90 medical levy to help fund new clinics. It’s also trialling a new multidisciplinary care approach, bringing together many different health practitioners to provide care at a single contact point and reduce pressure on GPs. Residents get more care and spend less time and effort coordinating individual appointments.

Murrumbidgee in New South Wales has taken a different approach. There, trainee doctors retain a single employer throughout their placements. That means they can work across the region, in clinics funded by the federal government and hospitals managed by the state government, without losing employment benefits. That helps trainees to stay closely connected to their communities and their patients. Murrumbidgee’s success has inspired similar trials in other parts of NSW, South Australia, Queensland and Tasmania.

These are promising approaches, but they put the burden on communities to piece together funding to plug holes. Without secure funding, these fixes will remain piecemeal and precarious, and risk a bidding war to attract GPs, which would leave poorer communities behind.

Australia should guarantee a minimum level of GP care

The federal government should guarantee a minimum level of general practice for all communities. If services funded by Medicare and other sources stay below that level for years, funding should automatically become available to bridge the gap.

The federal and state governments should be accountable for fixing GP deserts. These regions typically have small populations, few clinicians, and limited infrastructure. So governments must work together to make the best use of scarce resources.

Funding must be flexible, because every GP desert is different. Sometimes the solution may be as simple as helping an existing clinic hire extra staff. Other communities may want to set up a new clinic, or introduce telehealth for routine check-ups. There is no lack of ideas about how to close gaps in care, the problem lies in funding them.

Lifting all GP deserts to the top of the desert threshold – or guaranteeing at least 4.5 GP services per person per year, adjusted for age, would cost the federal government at least A$30 million a year in Medicare payments.

Providing extra services in GP deserts will be more expensive than average. But even if the cost was doubled or tripled, it would still be only a fraction of the billions of dollars of extra incentives GPs are getting to bulk bill – and it would transform the communities that need help the most.

GP deserts didn’t appear overnight. Successive governments have left some communities with too little primary care. The looming federal election gives every party the opportunity to make amends.

If they do, the next term of government could see GP deserts eliminated for good.

Peter Breadon is the Program Director of Health and Aged Care at the Grattan Institute.

Wendy Hu is an Associate with Grattan Institute.

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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4 thoughts on “Too many Australians miss out on essential medical care every year. Here’s how to fix ‘GP deserts’

  1. Stephen Phillip Young says:

    The ideas, fact and views expressed by Peter and Wendy closely follow those hemes expressed in the Grattan Institute’s own publication of July 2018 titled ‘Mapping Primary Care in Australia’. Still in 2024 and the debate continues.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Thank you to the authors of the article for their excellent and well presented information and arguments. I think that it was a GP in the UK who described the “inverse care law” in the 1970s (?).

    I worked for almost a decade as a clinician, public health physician and regional budget holder for community, preventative and hospital services in a remote area. that produced great wealth The people servied and the experiences and successes of others. brought the many aspects of this problem home to me: I am supportive of the authors’ ideas – especially if local communities are involved in implementing them within a framework that ensures equitable distribution according to need.

    I wonder if the authors may be considering (if this has not already been done) measuring costs of consequences of lack of timely and appropriate health promotion, prevention of problems, and provision of care in the disadvantaged groups they defined. I suspect that this may be useful in containing the influence of groups and individuals who will otherwise prevail in pursuing their own interests. Perhaps there maybe a synergy between this and looking at opportunity costs of investment in redressing inequities. .

    It has struck me that how resources are distributed locally also needs to be fully accountable locally, as well as at the macro level in order to empower disadvantaged, voiceless or unheard people and others (including service staff) who I have seen overwhelmed by well resourced and connected parties – local and otherwise– who can undermine them. It is wise to harness a broad range of local knowledge and ideas ongoingly to promote informed support of reform and optimize outcomes and efficiencies in forming and reviewing initiatives. Too often “programs” and “KPIs” have originated in an environment largely separated from “grass roots”.

    Many individuals and groups at local and higher levels will undermine equitable care according to need for their own reasons. I have seen excellent health programs that have improved equitable access to care (and sometimes at reduced overall cost within limited budgets) dismantled when such narrow interests prevailed. How do we swim against the increasing economic and social tide of greed for wealth and power in this context and our very flawed democracy that is, I think, under increasing threat?

    The inverse care law reflects that these problems are not new and that the increasing forces that underpin them continue.

    This is despite the efforts, sacrifices and successes of many people and organizations. I find that these and the initiatives described by the authors bring me hope and motivate me not to become part of the problem by being apathetic, negative, an failing to openly be supportive on a well informed basis.

  3. Chris Davis says:

    I live in a “GP desert” but can access excellent veterinary care for my livestock. I keep an Alpacca fleece handy together with my beard in the hope I might persuade a veterinarian to attend to me should I need a home visit. Many a true word is spoken in jest, and it is indeed sad to experience how government policies have undermined access to quality general practice, especially in outer-metroplitan and rural areas.

  4. Anonymous says:

    GP desertsare not just in remote areas; inArmidale/Inverell/Glen Innes in northern New South Wales, There are 25% of the population or more who Do not have a GP. Moreover, Inverell Hospital does not have a doctor much of the time. Armidale and Glen Hospitals have insufficient drs much of the time.
    Wait lists opd 18 months and some paediatric patients will never get an opd appointment as insufficient paeds.

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