
Identified health concerns and changes in management resulting from the Healthy Kids Check in two Queensland practices

To the Editor: Thomas and colleagues, in their article on identification rates for health and developmental problems of preschoolers before and after Healthy Kids Check (HKC) services,1 make a valuable contribution to the literature on the outcomes of health assessments.

Their research showed that HKCs were more likely than routine general practitioner visits (in the first 4 years of life) to detect oral health, vision and behavioural problems (prevalence rates among 557 children of 1.8% v 0, 3.8% v 1.4% and 2.3% v 1.8%, respectively), suggesting that HKCs presented an opportunity for families to deal with previously unmet health needs. However, the numbers of height and weight problems and oral health problems reported in this study were surprisingly small. National prevalence rates of more than 20% for childhood overweight2 and 40% for untreated dental caries3 were not matched in this study, where the rates for height and weight problems and oral health problems were only 3.2% and 1.8%, respectively.

It is possible that the communities involved experienced exceptional health status (the socioeconomic status of clinic populations was not described) or that only healthy children attended HKCs — or it is perhaps more likely that these problems remained undetected. Such discrepancies in the rates are significant because HKCs were established, in part, to detect early lifestyle risk factors; an aim that cannot be realised if there is incomplete recording of these developmental indicators.

The findings of Thomas and colleagues suggest that HKCs are partially improving the early detection of lifestyle risk factors. However, a more comprehensive evaluation of HKC outcomes — incorporating the views of clinicians and parents with long-term follow-up of children across various health settings — is needed to determine the true impact.

Your AMA Federal Council at work – 7 April 2015

What AMA Federal Councillors and other AMA members have been doing to advance your interests in the past month:


Position on Council



A/Prof Brian Owler

AMA President

Meeting with Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and the Medical Board of Australia


Meeting with Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and Australian Plastic Surgery Association Presidents


Dr Brian Morton

AMA Chair of General Practice

GP Roundtable


Dr Stephen Parnis

AMA Vice President

Meeting with Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) on improving practitioner experience with notifications


Dr Andrew Miller

AMA Federal Council Representative for Dermatologists

MSAC (Medical Services Advisory Committee) Review Working Group for Skin Services



Dr Antonio Di Dio

AMA Member

Meeting with Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) on improving practitioner experience with notifications


Dr Roderick McRae

AMA Federal Councillor – Salaried Doctors

Meeting with Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) on improving practitioner experience with notifications


Dr Susan Neuhaus

AMA Federal Councillor – Surgeons

Meeting with Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) on improving practitioner experience with notifications


Dr Robyn Langham

AMA Federal Councillor – Victoria nominee and Chair of AMA Medical Practice Committee

Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency’s (AHPRA) Prescribing Working Group (PWG)


Dr David Rivett

AMA Federal Councillor

IHPA Small Rural Hospitals Working Group


Dr Chris Moy

AMA Federal Councillor

PCEHR Safe Use Guides consultation (KPMG/ACSQHC)


NeHTA (National E-Health Transition Authority) Clinical Usability Program (CUP) Steering Group


Dr Richard Kidd

AMA Federal Councillor

PCEHR Safe Use Guides consultation (KPMG/ACSQHC)



Gateway Advisory Group



AMA in the News – 7 April 2015

Your AMA has been active on policy and in the media on a range of issues crucial to making our health system better. Below is a snapshot of recent media coverage.


E-health record scheme a $1b flop, Hobart Mercury, 27 February 2015
The botched Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record program has been operating for nearly three years but fewer than one in 10 Australians has one. AMA President A/Professor Brian Owler said the scheme remains in limbo, and to have spent that much money and yet still not have anything of widespread value was terrible.

Upfront payments for doctors, Australian Financial Review, 3 March 2015
Health Minister Sussan Ley could end Medicare’s universal “fee for service” approach and pay GPs a lump sum per patient, rather than for each visit. Ms Ley has been in constant contact with AMA President A/Professor Brian Owler about potential changes to Medicare.

Dumped policy to cost $1bn, The Australian, 4 March 2015
Tony Abbott has dumped the GP co-payment but maintained a freeze on Medicare payments to general practitioners. AMA President A/Professor Brian Owler warned the freeze would force bulk billing rates down and increase out-of-pocket expenses for private health insurance policyholders.

Medicare rebate freeze to stay, Australian Financial Review, 4 March 2015
The Federal Government will keep more than $1 billion by freezing indexation of Medicare rebates, but has dumped the GP co-payment. AMA President A/Professor Brian Owler welcomed the decision to axe the co-payment, but said keeping the Medicare rebate indexation freeze was lazy reform.

Ley rules out bulk billing means test, Australian Financial Review, 5 March 2015
Health Minister Sussan Ley has ruled out means testing bulk billing as fix in the search for savings to replace the dumped $5 GP co-payment. The Minister said the Government will persist with its search for policies that would impose a value signal on Medicare. AMA President A/Professor Brian Owler said he was happy to co-operate with Ms Ley but did not agree a price signal had a place in primary care.

Don’t be shy about health, MX Sydney, 5 March 2015
New research shows Australians are still choosing to suffer in silence, instead of talking about an awkward health problem. AMA Chair of General Practice Dr Brian Morton said self-treating basic conditions is fine, but alarm bells should ring if the conditions are recurring.

Co-payment could still happen as GP gap-fee option considered, The Age, 9 March 2015
Despite declaring its Medicare co-payment dead, the Government is considering proposals to give GPs the option of charging gap fees for bulk billed patients. AMA President A/Professor Brian Owler said the AMA had long supported such a change, which he said would benefit patients who are currently privately billed.

Why we can’t keep trusting celebrity diet books, Women’s Weekly, 10 March 2015
AMA Vice President Dr Stephen Parnis said we live in an era where people sometimes equate celebrity with expertise, which is not the case. At best, alternative health and diet advocates may advocate something which is supposed to be therapeutic, but actually has no effect. But, at worst, it can be dangerous, he warned.

‘Price signal’ would hit old, poor hardest, The Age, 19 March 2015
Patients who visit the doctor most often tend to be older and poorer than those who visit their GP less, and would be hardest to hit by the introduction of a price signal. AMA President A/Professor Brian Owler said the data undermined the arguments of some proponents of a Medicare co-payment.

Valley of the unwell, The Herald Sun, 19 March 2015
The Goulburn Valley has emerged as the sickest spot in Victoria, with more than one in six residents seeing a GP more than 12 times a year. AMA President A/Professor Brian Owler said the report showed people who most frequently visited their GP have complex and chronic conditions.

Make vaccination law, The Sunday Telegraph, 22 March 2015
The Sunday Telegraph has launched a national campaign for pregnant women to get free whooping cough boosters in the third trimester. AMA President A/Professor Brian Owler called on Federal Health Minister Sussan Ley to fund the boosters.

Call to name medical ‘bad apples’, Sydney Morning Herald, 24 March 2015
Medical specialists who charge exorbitant fees should be named and shamed in a bid to rein in excessive charging. AMA Vice President Dr Stephen Parnis said more doctors than ever were accepting fees set by private health insurers, and almost 90 per cent of privately insured medical services were delivered with no out-of-pocket cost to the patient.

Doctors to anti-vaxxers: you’re endangering kids, The News Daily, 24 March 2015
AMA Vice President Dr Stephen Parnis told The News Daily that anti-vaccination groups don’t know better than the weight of evidence from the medical and scientific profession.

Misogyny in medicine: don’t put up with it, The Age, 25 March 2015
AMA President A/Professor Brian Owler said he was proud of Australia’s medical profession and added it was challenging to hear assertions that doctors were acting in unacceptable ways, particularly when it came to sexual harassment.  


A/Professor Brian Owler, 666 ABC Canberra, 18 February 2015
AMA President A/Professor Brian Owler talked about the proposed $5 cut to Medicare rebates and the prospect of a $5 co-payment for GP visits still on the table. A/Professor Owler said the idea floated by the Federal Government had not been raised with him.  

Dr Stephen Parnis, Radio Adelaide, 23 February 2015
AMA Vice President Dr Stephen Parnis said he was concerned about the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement and what it could mean for affordable health care, with fears it could raise the cost of drugs and limit access to biological agents used in treatments.

A/Professor Brian Owler, 666 ABC Canberra, 3 March 2015
AMA President A/Professor Brian Owler discussed the Federal Government’s decision to abandon the GP co-payment. A/Professor Owler said it was a good result for GPs and their patients because the policy was poorly designed.

A/Professor Brian Owler, Radio National, 3 March 2015
AMA President A/Professor Brian Owler talked about the Federal Government dumping the Medicare co-payment. A/Professor Owler said the AMA would not support a mandatory price signal, but did not see it as unreasonable for patients who can afford it to make a modest contribution to the cost of their care.

A/Professor Brian Owler, 4BC Brisbane, 31 March 2015
AMA President A/Professor Brian Owler talked about the Federal Government changing aviation rules to require two people in a cockpit at all times. The AMA is not sold on the idea of doctors who treat pilots being able to break doctor-patient confidentiality if they think a pilot is unfit to fly.


A/Professor Brian Owler, ABC News 24, 3 March 2015
AMA President A/Professor Brian Owler talked about the Government dumping the GP co-payment. A/Professor Owler said the tragedy of this whole negotiation period was that other pressing health issues had been neglected.

A/Professor Brian Owler, Sky News, 3 March 2015
AMA President A/Professor Brian Owler discussed the dumped Medicare co-payment and the Medical Research Future Fund.

A/Professor Brian Owler, Channel 9, 17 March 2015
AMA President A/Professor Brian Owler discussed suggestions that teenagers should undergo a psychological assessment before any cosmetic surgery. A/Professor Owler said cosmetic surgery was the source of a number of patient complaints.

Identified health concerns and changes in management resulting from the Healthy Kids Check in two Queensland practices

In reply: We thank Alexander and colleagues for their interest in our article. They query the low rate of detection of oral health problems and overweight and obesity. We are surprised that they question our failure to detect oral health problems, given that their analysis found this screening to be ineffective.1 Perhaps the general practitioners in our study did not embark on ineffective screening.

Our data show that the overall detection was 5% for problems related to height and weight. This might correspond to the 6%–7% of children aged 5–9 years with obesity2 (for whom action may be effective), rather than to the additional 15% with overweight.

More importantly, by viewing the prevalence of health problems in children as a general practitioner compliance and measurement concern, we lose sight of the bigger picture. Does the Healthy Kids Check detect problems that lead to better child outcomes? We do not know. This is a health policy that has been implemented without adherence to evidence-based practice principles. We agree — long-term follow-up is essential.

AMA in the News – 7 April 2015

Your AMA has been active on policy and in the media on a range of issues crucial to making our health system better. Below is a snapshot of recent media coverage.


E-health record scheme a $1b flop, Hobart Mercury, 27 February 2015
The botched Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record program has been operating for nearly three years but fewer than one in 10 Australians has one. AMA President A/Professor Brian Owler said the scheme remains in limbo, and to have spent that much money and yet still not have anything of widespread value was terrible.

Upfront payments for doctors, Australian Financial Review, 3 March 2015
Health Minister Sussan Ley could end Medicare’s universal “fee for service” approach and pay GPs a lump sum per patient, rather than for each visit. Ms Ley has been in constant contact with AMA President A/Professor Brian Owler about potential changes to Medicare.

Dumped policy to cost $1bn, The Australian, 4 March 2015
Tony Abbott has dumped the GP co-payment but maintained a freeze on Medicare payments to general practitioners. AMA President A/Professor Brian Owler warned the freeze would force bulk billing rates down and increase out-of-pocket expenses for private health insurance policyholders.

Medicare rebate freeze to stay, Australian Financial Review, 4 March 2015
The Federal Government will keep more than $1 billion by freezing indexation of Medicare rebates, but has dumped the GP co-payment. AMA President A/Professor Brian Owler welcomed the decision to axe the co-payment, but said keeping the Medicare rebate indexation freeze was lazy reform.

Ley rules out bulk billing means test, Australian Financial Review, 5 March 2015
Health Minister Sussan Ley has ruled out means testing bulk billing as fix in the search for savings to replace the dumped $5 GP co-payment. The Minister said the Government will persist with its search for policies that would impose a value signal on Medicare. AMA President A/Professor Brian Owler said he was happy to co-operate with Ms Ley but did not agree a price signal had a place in primary care.

Don’t be shy about health, MX Sydney, 5 March 2015
New research shows Australians are still choosing to suffer in silence, instead of talking about an awkward health problem. AMA Chair of General Practice Dr Brian Morton said self-treating basic conditions is fine, but alarm bells should ring if the conditions are recurring.

Co-payment could still happen as GP gap-fee option considered, The Age, 9 March 2015
Despite declaring its Medicare co-payment dead, the Government is considering proposals to give GPs the option of charging gap fees for bulk billed patients. AMA President A/Professor Brian Owler said the AMA had long supported such a change, which he said would benefit patients who are currently privately billed.

Why we can’t keep trusting celebrity diet books, Women’s Weekly, 10 March 2015
AMA Vice President Dr Stephen Parnis said we live in an era where people sometimes equate celebrity with expertise, which is not the case. At best, alternative health and diet advocates may advocate something which is supposed to be therapeutic, but actually has no effect. But, at worst, it can be dangerous, he warned.

‘Price signal’ would hit old, poor hardest, The Age, 19 March 2015
Patients who visit the doctor most often tend to be older and poorer than those who visit their GP less, and would be hardest to hit by the introduction of a price signal. AMA President A/Professor Brian Owler said the data undermined the arguments of some proponents of a Medicare co-payment.

Valley of the unwell, The Herald Sun, 19 March 2015
The Goulburn Valley has emerged as the sickest spot in Victoria, with more than one in six residents seeing a GP more than 12 times a year. AMA President A/Professor Brian Owler said the report showed people who most frequently visited their GP have complex and chronic conditions.

Make vaccination law, The Sunday Telegraph, 22 March 2015
The Sunday Telegraph has launched a national campaign for pregnant women to get free whooping cough boosters in the third trimester. AMA President A/Professor Brian Owler called on Federal Health Minister Sussan Ley to fund the boosters.

Call to name medical ‘bad apples’, Sydney Morning Herald, 24 March 2015
Medical specialists who charge exorbitant fees should be named and shamed in a bid to rein in excessive charging. AMA Vice President Dr Stephen Parnis said more doctors than ever were accepting fees set by private health insurers, and almost 90 per cent of privately insured medical services were delivered with no out-of-pocket cost to the patient.

Doctors to anti-vaxxers: you’re endangering kids, The News Daily, 24 March 2015
AMA Vice President Dr Stephen Parnis told The News Daily that anti-vaccination groups don’t know better than the weight of evidence from the medical and scientific profession.

Misogyny in medicine: don’t put up with it, The Age, 25 March 2015
AMA President A/Professor Brian Owler said he was proud of Australia’s medical profession and added it was challenging to hear assertions that doctors were acting in unacceptable ways, particularly when it came to sexual harassment.  


A/Professor Brian Owler, 666 ABC Canberra, 18 February 2015
AMA President A/Professor Brian Owler talked about the proposed $5 cut to Medicare rebates and the prospect of a $5 co-payment for GP visits still on the table. A/Professor Owler said the idea floated by the Federal Government had not been raised with him.  

Dr Stephen Parnis, Radio Adelaide, 23 February 2015
AMA Vice President Dr Stephen Parnis said he was concerned about the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement and what it could mean for affordable health care, with fears it could raise the cost of drugs and limit access to biological agents used in treatments.

A/Professor Brian Owler, 666 ABC Canberra, 3 March 2015
AMA President A/Professor Brian Owler discussed the Federal Government’s decision to abandon the GP co-payment. A/Professor Owler said it was a good result for GPs and their patients because the policy was poorly designed.

A/Professor Brian Owler, Radio National, 3 March 2015
AMA President A/Professor Brian Owler talked about the Federal Government dumping the Medicare co-payment. A/Professor Owler said the AMA would not support a mandatory price signal, but did not see it as unreasonable for patients who can afford it to make a modest contribution to the cost of their care.

A/Professor Brian Owler, 4BC Brisbane, 31 March 2015
AMA President A/Professor Brian Owler talked about the Federal Government changing aviation rules to require two people in a cockpit at all times. The AMA is not sold on the idea of doctors who treat pilots being able to break doctor-patient confidentiality if they think a pilot is unfit to fly.


A/Professor Brian Owler, ABC News 24, 3 March 2015
AMA President A/Professor Brian Owler talked about the Government dumping the GP co-payment. A/Professor Owler said the tragedy of this whole negotiation period was that other pressing health issues had been neglected.

A/Professor Brian Owler, Sky News, 3 March 2015
AMA President A/Professor Brian Owler discussed the dumped Medicare co-payment and the Medical Research Future Fund.

A/Professor Brian Owler, Channel 9, 17 March 2015
AMA President A/Professor Brian Owler discussed suggestions that teenagers should undergo a psychological assessment before any cosmetic surgery. A/Professor Owler said cosmetic surgery was the source of a number of patient complaints.

GP training confusion: call for urgent talks

The AMA has voiced “grave concerns” about the Federal Government’s handling of far-reaching changes to general practitioner training under the shadow of looming doctor shortages.

AMA President Associate Professor Brian Owler has written to Health Minister Sussan Ley seeking an urgent meeting to discuss the implementation of changes to GP training announced in last year’s Budget.

A/Professor Owler warned the Minister that the medical profession was “fast losing confidence in the process, and history shows that the last time GP training was reformed by the Government it took many years to recover”.

In its 2014-15 Budget, the Federal Government abolished General Practice Education and Training (GPET) and the Prevocational General Practice Placements Program (PGPPP), axed funding to the Confederation of Postgraduate Medical Education Councils and absorbed Health Workforce Australia and GPET within the Health Department.

Under the sweeping changes, the Health Department will have responsibility for overseeing GP training.

The changes have stoked warnings that, combined with cuts to valuable programs and fears of massive hikes in student fees, they pose a serious risk to the quality and viability of general practice training, placing the profession at long-term risk.

Concerns have centred on the short time frame to implement the changes, the Department’s lack of experience in managing training programs, and the profession’s loss of supervision over training.

A/Professor Owler said expert AMA representatives who have been consulting with the Government and Health Department on the implementation of the changes have been alarmed by on-going delays and a lack of detail being provided by the Department on crucial matters such as the funding of professional oversight and governance arrangements.

“Unfortunately, we are now in a position where we simply do not know what the structure and delivery of GP training will look like beyond 2015,” the AMA President said in his letter to Ms Ley.

He said briefing papers provided by the Health Department for those attending its stakeholder meetings were “generally scant on detail and do not adequately deal with key issues, such as the future role of the GP Colleges”.

A/Professor Owler said the overwhelming view in the medical profession was that the Colleges should be given responsibility for the governance and management of GP training.

Anxiety about the changes has been heightened by predictions the nation could face a critical shortage of doctors in the next decade.

The ageing of the GP workforce and the struggle to attract students to specialise in general practice has contributed to forecasts of a shortfall of 2700 doctors by 2025 unless there is a major investment in training.

Last month Health Minister Sussan Ley re-announced the allocation of $157 million to extend the life of two medical training programs – the Specialist Training Program and the Emergency Medicine Program – through to the end of 2016.

Ms Ley said the programs were being sustained for an extra year while the Government continued to consult with the medical Colleges and other stakeholders about reforms to come into effect in 2017.

“This consultation will focus on in-depth workforce planning to better match investments in training with identified specialities of potential shortage and areas that may be over-subscribed into the future,” the Minister said. “Workforce planning is something that doctors and health professionals have been raising with me during my country-wide consultations to ensure those areas of expected shortages are addressed sooner rather than later.”

But Shadow Health Minister Catherine King condemned what she described as a “short-term fix”.

Ms King said the Government had thrown the entire field of specialist medical training into chaos by delaying confirmation of contracts just weeks before candidate interviews were due to commence.

Ms King warned that any cut to funding to specialist training would result I fewer specialists working in areas where they are needed most.

Adrian Rollins

Your AMA Federal Council at work – 7 April 2015

What AMA Federal Councillors and other AMA members have been doing to advance your interests in the past month:


Position on Council



A/Prof Brian Owler

AMA President

Meeting with Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and the Medical Board of Australia


Meeting with Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and Australian Plastic Surgery Association Presidents


Dr Brian Morton

AMA Chair of General Practice

GP Roundtable


Dr Stephen Parnis

AMA Vice President

Meeting with Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) on improving practitioner experience with notifications


Dr Andrew Miller

AMA Federal Council Representative for Dermatologists

MSAC (Medical Services Advisory Committee) Review Working Group for Skin Services



Dr Antonio Di Dio

AMA Member

Meeting with Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) on improving practitioner experience with notifications


Dr Roderick McRae

AMA Federal Councillor – Salaried Doctors

Meeting with Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) on improving practitioner experience with notifications


Dr Susan Neuhaus

AMA Federal Councillor – Surgeons

Meeting with Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) on improving practitioner experience with notifications


Dr Robyn Langham

AMA Federal Councillor – Victoria nominee and Chair of AMA Medical Practice Committee

Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency’s (AHPRA) Prescribing Working Group (PWG)


Dr David Rivett

AMA Federal Councillor

IHPA Small Rural Hospitals Working Group


Dr Chris Moy

AMA Federal Councillor

PCEHR Safe Use Guides consultation (KPMG/ACSQHC)


NeHTA (National E-Health Transition Authority) Clinical Usability Program (CUP) Steering Group


Dr Richard Kidd

AMA Federal Councillor

PCEHR Safe Use Guides consultation (KPMG/ACSQHC)



Gateway Advisory Group



Better access to mental health care and the failure of the Medicare principle of universality


Incorrect Appendix number: In Better access to mental health care and the failure of the Medicare principle of universality” in the 2 March 2015 issue of the Journal (Med J Aust 2015; 202: 190-194), the second sentence in the paragraph at the bottom of the second column on page 193 should read: “We drew on examples from within the two largest Australian capital cities (Appendix 4).”

Screening tests for gonorrhoea should first do no harm

False-positive diagnosis causes important harms and should be minimised

Gonorrhoea infection often has no clinical symptoms in women. Untreated, it may lead to pelvic inflammatory disease and carry risk of chronic pelvic pain, recurrent pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy and infertility. The risk of hospitalisation with pelvic inflammatory disease after gonorrhoea infection may be even greater than for chlamydia.1

Preventing these complications is the rationale behind opportunistic screening. General practitioners are recommended to screen all sexually active Australians aged 15–29 years for chlamydia, but to screen only those at highest risk for gonorrhoea.2 However, as reported by Chow and colleagues in this issue of the Journal,3 gonorrhoea screening appears to have become increasingly common among all Australian women, including those at low risk. Two factors which may partly account for the increase in testing are (i) clinicians misinterpreting guidelines as meaning that opportunistic screening should be done for both infections,4 and (ii) use of dual nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) by laboratories to test for both infections, even when clinicians have only requested chlamydia testing.

As shown by Chow et al, the apparent recent increase in gonorrhoea incidence among Australian women is likely to be at least partly an artefact resulting from changes in testing practice.3 From 2008 to 2013, the number of Australian women being tested for chlamydia and gonorrhoea by NAAT increased, as did the number of gonorrhoea notifications among those tested by NAAT (which has a higher positive rate than culture). The authors contend that the true prevalence rate remained stable over the study period, and this is supported by stable rates within Melbourne Sexual Health Centre data (where diagnosis was by culture only) — especially if the population base for the clinic remained unchanged over time. These data argue against an increase in gonorrhoea prevalence but, because neither NAAT nor culture has optimum accuracy, there is uncertainty as to how many women have the disease.

In any case, even if all notifications (including those based on NAAT alone) are assumed to represent true rates of infection, the prevalence of gonorrhoea among non-Indigenous young Australians appears to be much less than that of chlamydia. Among young Indigenous Australians, however, there is a much higher prevalence of gonorrhoea compared with young non-Indigenous Australians, and this appears to be about equal to that of chlamydia.5 Screening for a condition which has a very low underlying prevalence, using a test with less than 100% specificity, is likely to lead to a large number of false-positive results.

The psychological consequences of false-positive test results are substantial. They include anxiety and depression, feelings of guilt and self-blame, loss of self-esteem and self-confidence, feelings of social isolation, and existential concerns.68 In the case of mammography screening — perhaps the condition in which the impact of false-positive diagnoses has been studied most — the adverse impact has been shown to last up to 3 years.9 Diagnosis of a sexually transmitted infection can also affect long-term sexual relationships, leading to concerns about trust and fidelity, and fear about disclosing results to a partner.8,10 There are physical consequences and adverse effects of treatment,9 and financial costs to the patient and the health care system. As is the case with many tests, the index case is not the only one affected — partners are notified, tested and potentially given inappropriate treatment. Hence it is widely recognised that all screening tests and programs should aim to minimise false-positive diagnoses.11

The most obvious way to minimise false-positive diagnosis of gonorrhoea in Australia is to do as Chow et al (and guidelines) suggest: limit routine screening to higher-risk populations with higher underlying rates of infection. However, many laboratories may be unable to test for chlamydia and gonorrhoea separately, and will continue to test for both irrespective of what GPs request. Chow et al suggest that a possible solution to this is to suppress laboratories from reporting gonorrhoea results when they have not been requested by the clinician.3 This may be considered unacceptable practice by laboratory staff, however, who may prefer to use supplementary testing (or reflex testing) to confirm an initial positive result for gonorrhoea based on a NAAT.12 In such cases, supplementary testing involves an automatic algorithm being applied to initial test results such that a positive result for gonorrhoea based on a NAAT triggers testing with a second NAAT using a different target. Requiring both the initial NAAT and the supplementary NAAT to yield positive results before reporting a positive result would decrease the false-positive rate. This may not be enough in a very low-risk population, and repeat testing may be needed for assurance that the positive result is correct.

There remains the question of whether a NAAT (with supplementary testing) can be used as a stand-alone replacement for culture for diagnosing gonorrhoea infection, or whether it should only be used as part of a diagnostic pathway that includes culture — as a triage test (where culture is only done for NAAT-positive patients) and/or an add-on test (where NAAT is done for high-risk patients who test negative on culture).13 Certainly, restricting NAATs to use as a triage test would decrease the false-positive rate compared with use of NAAT as a stand-alone replacement test without confirmatory culture. An additional argument against using NAAT as a replacement test is that we need to retain culture in the diagnostic pathway so that we can continue to monitor for possible antibiotic resistance.14 But, given the imperfect sensitivity of culture, using NAATs as an add-on test should be considered.15 When laboratory results differ or do not match the clinical picture, repeat testing is an option for deciding whether the patient has gonorrhoea infection.

To sort out these and related questions, we need data from well designed, prospective studies of high-risk populations. One such design is for all participants to have the initial NAAT and culture, with one or more further NAATs (with different targets) done when the results of the first two tests differ. Until these types of studies have been done, we cannot determine the best screening and diagnostic testing pathway for gonorrhoea or estimate the true underlying rates of gonorrhoea infection in Australian populations. In the meantime, the take-home messages to primary care physicians are that (i) false-positive results are likely if a NAAT is used on its own in a low-risk population and (ii) further tests (supplementary NAAT and culture) and repeat tests (eg, in 1 week) may be the best strategy for dealing with an initial positive NAAT result.

The cost of freezing general practice

Australia’s universal health insurance scheme, Medicare, began as Medibank in 1975 and aimed to provide “universal coverage of the population, equitable distribution of costs, [and] administrative simplicity”.1 Funded by the Australian Government, Medicare reimburses general practitioner services on a fee-for-service basis. General practice is the most widely used health service; 85% of the population see a GP in any given year.2

Currently, patients using GP services are either bulk billed or privately billed. Bulk-billed patients have no out-of-pocket expenses, and the GP receives a rebate directly from Medicare. Privately billed patients pay for their services at the fee set by the GP and claim the eligible rebate from Medicare.

In 1978, the rebate was decreased from 85% of the Medicare schedule fee to 75%, and bulk-billing was restricted to pensioners and socially disadvantaged people. Since then, federal governments have encouraged bulk-billing. In 1984, the rebate returned to 85% and bulk-billing was reintroduced for all patients. In 2004, incentives were introduced for GPs to bulk bill concessional patients (ie, children < 16 years of age or Commonwealth concession card holders).3 In 2005, the rebates were increased to 100%.4 These measures made it financially viable for many GPs to bulk bill all patients, and bulk-billing increased from 66.5% of all Medicare-claimed GP services in December 2003 to 84.0% in September 2014.5

The 2014–15 federal Budget proposed the introduction of a $7 patient copayment for GP, pathology and imaging services; and an increase in the copayment for subsidised prescribed medications. The financial impact of these proposals was shown to be highest among patients with a Commonwealth concession card.6

Facing strong opposition, the government withdrew the policy in December 2014, and replaced it with three new policies. The first, a 10-minute minimum time for standard GP consultations, was retracted in January 2015. The second, a $5 reduction in the Medicare rebate for “common GP consultations” for non-concessional patients to commence 1 July 2015, was retracted in March 2015. The government had suggested GPs could charge a $5 copayment to non-concessional patients to cover the rebate reduction. While referred to as a copayment, it was technically a gap payment where GPs privately charged their patients and the patients claimed the lowered Medicare rebate.

The third policy was a continuation of the indexation freeze for all Medicare schedule fees until July 20187 (henceforth referred to as the freeze). The $5 copayment would not have covered income lost through the freeze. Using publicly available data, Duckett calculated the combined effect of the second and third policies, estimating they would reduce GPs’ rebate income by 10.6% by 2017–18 (assuming a consumer price index [CPI] of 2.5%). To cover all the costs generated by these two policies, Duckett hypothesised that GPs may move to charge non-concessional patients a copayment similar to the gap payment currently charged privately by some GPs ($30–$40),8 well above the 10.6% reduction.

The study we report here was conducted in February 2015, before the retraction of the $5 rebate reduction. Using data that measured GP clinical activity, we aimed to assess the effect of the indexation freeze and the (now retracted) $5 rebate reduction on a GP’s Medicare income for an average 100 eligible consultations; and, assuming all concessional patients are bulk billed, we aimed to estimate for all consultations with non-concessional patients the patient copayment required for GPs to recoup the lost Medicare rebate income.


Bettering the Evaluation and Care of Health (BEACH)

We analysed data from the BEACH program, from April 2013 to March 2014, inclusive. BEACH is a continuous cross-sectional, national study of the content of GP–patient encounters in Australia. Every year, about 1000 ever-changing randomly selected GPs each record details of 100 consecutive encounters with consenting patients, on structured paper forms. BEACH methods are described in detail elsewhere.2

The age–sex distribution of patients at Medicare-claimable encounters in the BEACH program is representative of that of patients at all GP services claimed through Medicare.2

Ethics approval for the BEACH program was obtained from the University of Sydney Human Research Ethics Committee.

Information recorded for each encounter includes: patient age, and whether he or she holds a Commonwealth concession card or a Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) repatriation health card; whether it was a direct consultation (patient was physically seen by the GP); and whether the consultation was intended to be claimable by the GP or patient through Medicare or the DVA (for up to three items) or through another source.

Using BEACH data to assess the effect of proposed policies on GP income

We limited our analysis to direct encounters for which at least one Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) or DVA general practice consultation item was claimable. These account for about 94% of all recorded encounters, with the other encounters being indirect (eg, by phone), having no charge or being paid through other sources.2 Only consultations for which patient age was recorded were included, so patients aged less than 16 years could be identified.

General practice consultation items included were: all surgery consultations, residential aged care facility (RACF) visits, home and other institution visits, GP mental health care, chronic disease management items, health assessments and case conferences. These were selected and allocated to one of two groups: those with concessional patients (defined as people aged less than 16 years, those holding a Commonwealth concession card and those holding a repatriation health card); and those with non-concessional patients (all other patients).

To estimate the total income claimable from Medicare and DVA items for 100 consultations in the 2014–15 financial year, if all had been bulk billed, we identified the mean rates at which doctors claimed for each item over 100 consultations for concessional patients and non-concessional patients; we then multiplied these rates by the rebatable amount for each item number in the MBS.9 These values were summed to provide the total rebate income.

We assumed the bulk-billing GP in our model claimed the bulk-billing incentive item for all concessional patients. We modelled a GP who claimed the urban item (10990) and a GP who claimed the rural item (10991). Based on unpublished BEACH data, when calculating the rebate for visits to RACFs we assumed GPs saw three patients on average, while for visits to other institutions (primarily home visits) we assumed GPs saw one patient. Finally, we assumed that GPs would continue billing a similar distribution of items across the years.

We estimated the expected income for GPs over the 3 years 2015–16 to 2017–18 by repeating the above calculation for 2014–15 using the reduced rebate for consultation items for non-concessional patients. The items for which the $5 reduction applied to non-concessional patients were: all surgery consultations, home and other institution visits and after-hours care. Due to the freeze, our estimate remains constant for all financial years from 2015–16 to 2017–18.

To calculate the loss due to the $5 reduction in Medicare rebates, we subtracted the 2014–15 estimate from the 2015–16 estimate.

To measure the effect of the freeze, we calculated the amount GPs would need to earn to maintain an equivalent income rebate level from Medicare and DVA rebates to that of 2014–15 by multiplying the amount the average bulk-billing GP earned per 100 consultations in 2014–15 by 2.5% (the average CPI increase for the previous 5 years,10 and the mid-point of the Reserve Bank’s target CPI increase of 2%–3% per year11). The result was multiplied again by the same CPI to get the 2016–17 estimates and again for the 2017–18 estimates. The 2017–18 result was then subtracted from the 2014–15 result, to provide an estimated financial loss due to the freeze.

The size of a copayment required from non-concessional patients to cover this lost income was calculated by dividing the resulting difference in earnings from the policies by the number of non-concessional patients per 100 consultations.


Between April 2013 and March 2014, there were 95 897 patient encounters recorded in the BEACH study, 83 510 being direct consultations for which patient age and one or more Medicare or DVA items were recorded. At least one GP consultation item number was recorded at 82 211 (98.4%) of these consultations, including 44 723 (54.4%; 95% CI, 53.0%–55.8%) with concessional patients and 37 448 (45.6%; 95% CI, 44.2%–47.0%) with non-concessional patients.

$5 rebate reduction

In the 2014–15 financial year, for an average 100 claimable consultations, a bulk-billing-only GP would receive rebates of $2925.59 for consultations with concessional patients and $2072.69 for those with non-concessional patients, a total of $4998.28. Applying the $5 rebate reduction, the same GP would receive total rebates of $4778.75 in the 2015–16 financial year, a decrease of $219.53 per 100 average consultations due to the $5 reduction for non-concessional patients for most GP items (income from concessional patients staying constant). This equated to a 4.3% decrease in rebate income in 2015–16 and to a 4.0%–4.1% decrease in 2017–18 (Box 1). Averaged across all consultations with non-concessional patients, this equates to a decrease of $4.81 per consultation (Box 2).

The freeze

Assuming a CPI increase of 2.5% by 2015–16, rebate income would need to increase by $124.96 per 100 eligible consultations to match this CPI (2.5% of total 2014–15 rebates). This relative loss of $124.96 equates to 2.4% of relative rebate income and $2.74 per consultation with non-concessional patients.

From 2014–15 to 2017–18, the estimated CPI increase would be 7.7%. By then, rebate income would need to increase by $384.32 per 100 eligible consultations to match this increase. This means the freeze alone would cost GPs 7.1% (range, 5.8%–8.5%) of their relative rebate income (Box 1), equivalent to $8.43 (range, $6.71–$10.17) per non-concessional patient consultation (Box 2).

As the rural incentive is higher than the urban, GPs claiming the rural bulk-billing incentive item would face a greater relative loss in rebate income due to inflation: 10 cents more per non-concessional patient in 2015–16 ($2.84) and 29 cents more in 2017–18 ($8.72).

The policies combined

Combining the effect of both policies (and assuming an urban setting for the bulk-billing incentive), the total estimated loss in rebate income to GPs per 100 average consultations would be $603.85 in 2017–18 — a reduction of 11.2% (range, 9.9%–12.5%) (Box 1). Assuming concessional patients are bulk billed, if GPs charged a copayment for all non-concessional patient consultations to make up the shortfall in total rebate income, it would need to be $7–$8 in 2015–16, and increase to $12–$15 by 2017–18 (Box 2).


If both the policies recently proposed by the Australian Government had come into effect as originally proposed, GPs would have had to charge non-concessional patients substantially more than the suggested $5 copayment to maintain their 2014–15 relative gross income. GPs would have needed to charge a copayment of $7–$8 for non-concessional consultations in 2015–16 and a copayment of $12–$15 by 2017–18 to maintain a gross income equivalent to that of 2014–15. They would have lost the equivalent of 11.2% of their rebate income from the combined effect of both policies by 2017–18. This is similar to, but more precise than, the 10.6% found by Duckett, who relied on published data.8

The now retracted rebate cut to selected items for non-concessional patients would have had a considerable immediate impact on GP income, averaging $4.81 per consultation with non-concessional patients. However, the freeze showed a larger impact over time, increasing from a loss of $2.74 per consultation with non-concessional patients in 2015–16 to $8.43 in 2017–18, nearly twice the amount of the rebate cut.

The 7.1% reduction in GP rebate income by 2017–18 due to the freeze may force GPs who currently bulk bill to cover their loss by charging non-concessional patients a copayment. The freeze is therefore likely to have a greater impact on practices that serve socioeconomically disadvantaged populations. GPs practising in these circumstances would have to absorb the reduction in gross income, and this may not be viable.

Our estimates are conservative. We have not included in our model financial loss to GPs from:

  • the freeze on other Medicare items (such as procedures, practice incentive items);
  • administrative costs involved in implementing new billing systems;
  • increased bad debts;
  • previous indexation of schedule fees below CPI (notably since 201212); and
  • lost income when a GP chooses to bulk bill any non-concessional patients facing financial hardship.

It is therefore probable that GPs will charge more than our estimates. Once GPs stop bulk billing non-concessional patients, they may take the opportunity to charge more than what is required merely to recoup their losses. Further, there is no guarantee that copayments will only be charged to non-concessional patients.

We modelled our study on GPs who bulk billed all patients but changed to privately billing non-concessional patients after the policies were implemented. GPs who currently bulk bill concessional patients and privately bill non-concessional patients would still lose income from the schedule fee freeze for consultations with concessional patients. Using the assumptions of this study, the GP would have to charge this loss of income to non-concessional patients over and above whatever they are already charging.

Our study has some limitations. By using the average distribution of Medicare item numbers from all BEACH GPs, we assumed that GPs who bulk bill all patients had a similar distribution of Medicare items to GPs who privately bill some or all of their patients. A recent article has suggested this is a reasonable assumption.13 We also assumed that GPs will continue billing a similar distribution of items in the future.

If both policies had gone ahead, GPs would have needed to charge significantly more than the suggested $5 copayment for all consultations with non-concessional patients in order to maintain their 2014–15 relative gross income. Public discussion has mainly focused on the now retracted $5 reduction, and the freeze has received far less attention. Yet, with time, it will have a greater impact: $8.43 per non-concessional patient consultation by 2017–18, nearly double the amount of the rebate reduction.

Our estimates are conservative and there is no way we can predict the amount GPs will charge once they are forced, for economic reasons, to introduce a copayment. The freeze will result in Medicare savings; however, patient out-of-pocket expenses will be higher than these savings because GPs will need to charge more than their lost income to recoup the additional implementation and operational costs we have discussed. The results of our study inform public debate by providing an objective measure of the minimum likely effect of the continuation of the freeze on Medicare schedule fees on general practice.

1 Decrease in relative rebate income with either or both of the rebate reduction and indexation freeze policies in place, compared with 2014–15

CPI = consumer price index.

2 Copayment required for non-concessional patient consultations to maintain relative 2014–15 income with either or both of the rebate reduction and indexation freeze policies in place

CPI = consumer price index.