As the new Chair of the Medical Workforce Committee (MWC), I am looking forward to harnessing the committee to drive the AMA’s response to the medical workforce crisis.
I would like to acknowledge Dr Stephen Parnis for his stewardship of the MWC as inaugural Chair. Like Stephen, I have a long-standing interest in medical workforce issues, and believe that ensuring Australia has the medical workforce to meet community needs is a critical challenge for governments and health policymakers.
Over the last 15 years the number of medical school places has increased substantially in response to past workforce shortages. But the need for more medical schools is over, as we know from successive sets of workforce data that Australia now has sufficient numbers of medical students. We must now focus on improving the distribution of the medical workforce, and providing enough postgraduate medical training places, particularly in rural and remote areas and the under-supplied specialty areas.
At the recent Federal Election, the AMA offered four important policy proposals to help achieve this outcome:
- expanding the National Medical Training Advisory Network’s (NMTAN) workforce modelling program;
- establishing a Community Residency Program;
- increasing the GP training program intake; and
- expanding the Specialist Training Program.
NMTAN is the Commonwealth’s main medical workforce training advisory body, and focuses on planning and coordination. It has representatives from the main stakeholder groups in medical education, training and employment.
NMTAN’s report on the psychiatry workforce was released in March. This is the first specialty report to be finalised by NMTAN since Health Workforce Australia was axed in 2014. It contains valuable data and analysis, including a projected undersupply of 125 practitioners by 2030 for the psychiatry workforce, despite a likely increase in the number of Australian-trained psychiatrists.
NMTAN is intending to beef up its work program. The AMA has argued consistently for complete workforce modelling and reporting across all medical specialties by the end of 2018; it is vital to have data sooner rather than later on imbalances across the specialties to enable effective workforce planning.
We will continue to engage with the Government of this issue. In the meantime, we await with interest the expected release of the reports on the anaesthesia and general practice workforces later this year.
An important piece of work undertaken by the MWC last year was developing the Community Residency Program for Junior Medical Officers (CRP). This is the AMA’s proposal to establish and fund a program for high-quality prevocational placements in general practice for junior doctors as a replacement for the valuable Prevocational General Practice Placements Program abolished by the Government in 2014.
We continue to lobby for our CRP. The Government’s announcement late last year that it will fund 240 rotations in general practice settings for rural-based interns is a partial replacement for the PGPPP, and was an admission by the Government that its decision to abolish the program was a backward step, especially for rural health.
As a practising GP, I am keenly aware that more resources are needed to build and maintain a sustainable GP workforce.
The AMA’s call to increase the GP training program intake to 1700 places a year by 2018 is worthy of the Government’s consideration. This must be backed with solid measures to support GP training, including incentives for supervisors and investment in training infrastructure. Rural general practices need grants to help them expand their facilities and provide more teaching opportunities for medicals students and GP registrars, and to enhance the range of services they provide.
The Commonwealth’s Specialist Training Program (STP) is a valuable workforce program that is giving specialist trainees the opportunity to train in settings outside traditional metropolitan teaching hospitals. Though the Government has committed to provide 1000 placements by 2018, the AMA strongly believes that the STP must be expanded to 1400 places a year, with the focus on encouraging specialist training in rural settings and specialties that are under-supplied.
Other areas of focus for the MWC will be promoting generalism in the medical workforce, encouraging greater gender diversity in medical leadership, and increasing clinical supervision capacity.
Progress, but much more to do.