The AMA support for a review of the MBS has always been contingent on it being clinician-led, with a strong focus on supporting quality patient care. This includes having the right mix of practising clinicians on each committee, with genuine input into a process of transparent decision making.
The AMA, of course, would like to see a review process that delivers a schedule that reflects modern medical practice, by identifying outdated items and replacing them with new items that describe the medical services that are provided today. In doing so, it is crucial that any savings from the MBS review be reinvested into the MBS, and that the review is not simply a savings exercise.
The MBS Review is by no means a small feat, undertaking to review 5,700 items, some which have not been reviewed in 30 years. Obviously, the outcomes of this herculean review not only impact on Government operations and budgets, but significantly affect the entire health system—the always difficult balancing act between the public and private health sectors, the vast number and range of medical practitioners, specialties and medical services, and of course the public.
It was noted by the AMA that the Senate estimates transcripts (30 May 2018) indicated about $600 million in Government savings from the MBS reviews over the 2017 and 2018 budgets, with only $36 million reinvested into new items.
With so much at stake the AMA, specialty colleges, associations and societies must all work individually, and together to hold the MBS Review clinical committees, Taskforce and Government to account on their considerations and recommendations. They cannot be based on anecdotal evidence and narrow perspectives, rather than on data, scientific or robust evidence, or extensive and lived perspectives.
In that vein, I thought it timely to provide a sample of some of the AMA work in this space.
MBS Review clinical committee reports – consultation timeframes
Within the last two months, the Department of Health has requested feedback from AMA on 25 MBS Review clinical committee reports. The reports included around 2,000 MBS items and more than 2,000 pages. The number of items reviewed in these reports are almost 40 per cent of the total number of items in the entire Medicare schedule.
The MBS Review Taskforce has provided the AMA, colleges, associations and societies with only a few months to respond, whilst the Taskforce has deliberated on the review over the last three years. Furthermore, the reports are not publicly available – rather they are sent in a targeted fashion to certain stakeholders. The AMA has pushed back on this and called for them to be posted publicly online.
Obviously, this expediated consultation timeframe presents risks for having the ability to interrogate the clinical appropriateness of proposed changes for the profession, and increases potential for unintended consequences to go unremarked. The AMA has raised these issues with the Minister’s office and the Department to call for timeframes to be pushed out, as is reasonably practical, to ensure the profession are appropriately and adequately consulted on the recommendations.
Surgical assistants
In September, the AMA worked extensively behind the scenes with the Medical Surgical Assistants Society of Australia (MSASA), the Royal Australasian College Of Surgeons (RACS), individual surgical assistants (AMA members and non-members) and AMA Council members to tease out the key issues and lodge a submission strongly opposing the MBS Review Taskforce’s proposed changes to remuneration arrangements for surgical assistants. The AMA was also responsible for ensuring other groups were aware of the submission process.
A number of AMA communications and medical media was generated around the proposed changes and AMA’s response. This included AMA ‘Rounds’ and GP Network News, and in the medical press and social media.
The following key issues formed the basis of the AMA submission:
- that surgical assistants are independent practitioners and they should remain so;
- negative impact on surgical training;
- risk of de-skilling GPs in rural and remote areas;
- proposed derived fee – baseless assumptions;
- Private Health Insurance and Out of Pockets Reforms already underway;
- there are alternative mechanisms to address Taskforce’s concerns; and
- no data provided on the problem.
MBS Review Clinical Committee reports – Gynaecology, Breast Imaging, Nuclear Medicine
The AMA has also lodged a submission to the Department of Health on the MBS Reviews on gynaecology, breast imaging and nuclear medicine.
The main issues raised in the submission related to the gynaecology review and the following were discussed:
- Inadequate profession engagement;
- Time based item descriptors – perverse incentive and unintended consequences;
- Additional auditing provisions – onerous and unnecessary;
- Item restructure – simplification and streamlining are required; and
- Recommendation 19, Item Number 35750 – disagree with recommendations.
In this submission, the AMA also provided broad observations on the MBS Review including concerns regarding operation of committees, as well as inadequate communication and consultation and the removal of the reports from the public website.
MBS Review Clinical Committee reports – Anaesthesia and maximum 3 item rule for surgical items
The AMA recently wrote to the Chair of the MBS Review Taskforce (Prof Bruce Robinson) supporting the Australian Society of Anaesthetists (ASA) opposition to the majority of the MBS Review anaesthesia clinical committee (ACC) recommendations. In the same letter the AMA also raised concerns regarding the maximum three item rule for Group T8 surgical items.
The AMA urged the MBS Taskforce and Government to work with the ASA to come to mutually agreeable changes to the anaesthesia items in the MBS that align with contemporary clinical evidence and practice and improve health outcomes for patients.
The AMA also communicated to Prof Robinson that it is deeply concerned that whilst on the one hand the PRC deferred its decision regarding the three-item rule, due to consultation feedback, but on the other hand this recommendation is taken forward and applied in a specialty clinical committee report (eg urology) without reference to any previous profession feedback on the recommendation.
The AMA sought Prof Robinson’s assurances that the three-item rule is open for further discussions and that the MBS Taskforce will coordinate with the affected Colleges, Associations, and Societies to come to mutually agreeable changes; that is consistent, as much as is reasonable, across the specialties; that align with contemporary clinical evidence and practice and improve health outcomes for patients.
AMA MBS Review Webpage
Finally, the AMA ‘s own MBS Review webpage is now live and provides AMA members (and the public) with a one-stop bulletin board on AMA’s engagement and advocacy with the MBS Reviews. I encourage you to visit the website for further information and future updates on AMA’s advocacy work on MBS Reviews. There you will also find all of the AMA’s submissions to date to the MBS Reviews, and advice on what we are currently working on. Furthermore, it provides the contact details so that those members who are interested in helping the AMA formulate its response to reviews can have their voices heard.
Only by members being engaged can the AMA hope to have a positive influence the direction, and outcomes, of the MBS Reviews.