WELCOME to the last issue – no. 48! – of MJA InSight for 2017.

It’s been a big year for the MJA and InSight. The Journal has a new website which has attracted more than 3.2 million pageviews, and, after the correction of a mistake in the way it was calculated, it has a new journal impact factor of 3.68 and a 5-year impact factor of 4.10. It received a record 10 610 citations during 2016, ranking the MJA among the top 20 general medical journals in the world.

For InSight, too, it’s been a bumper year, with 569 532 pageviews (up almost 9% on 2016) and 42 000 subscribers to our newsletter. InSight is, and will remain, an open access website. The added bonus for our readers is that, when an InSight news article refers to an MJA article, that MJA paper is also made open access for the following week.

This year we have published many articles on doctors’ health. With good reason. Bullying, sexual harassment, burnout, suicide – these problems continue to plague not just doctors, but medical students, doctors-in-training, and their families, regardless of where they work or study.

In the Related Links list to the left of this column, you will find five of the articles that most struck a chord with you.

We will continue to make doctors’ health a priority as a matter of editorial intent in 2018, as will the MJA, in the hope that we can contribute to debate and policy making that can only help doctors and their patients.

I would like to send out a heartfelt thankyou to all our contributors in 2017 – in particular those regulars who continued to answer the call from a beleaguered editor – Dr Sue Ieraci, Dr Will Cairns, Jane McCredie, Dr Aniello Iannuzzi, Dr Anne Malatt, Dr Toby Commerford, Prof Ian Hickie, Prof Ian Haines, Dr Sandro Demaio, Dr Balaji Bikshandi, Professor Erwin Loh, Dr James Dando, Dr Ruth Mitchell, Dr Arjun Rajkhawa and colleagues at the National Centre for Antimicrobial Stewardship, Dr Benjamin Veness, Professor Pat McGorry, Dr Minh Le Cong, Dr Jane Barker, and, Georgie Haysom and Dr Penny Browne from Avant Mutual.

To those who were taken by surprise by my commissioning letter, also thank you. You’ve shown an enthusiasm and willingness to churn out 1000 words on relatively short notice that’s been a pleasure to work with.

To the journalists who have written news stories for InSight this year – Nicole MacKee, Sarah Colyer and Hugo Wilcken – and the medical editors and structural editors, led by Zoe Silverstone and Laura Teruel, thank you for finding the angles, hitting the deadlines and checking the facts. You are amazing, every single week.

We disappear now until 15 January 2018. Don’t miss us too much! You can always come back to www.doctorportal.com.au/mjainsight. any time to revisit your favourites, add a comment, vote in a poll or listen to a podcast – we’ve produced 73 of those in 2017, so you have plenty of choice.

Thank you, our readers, for coming for the first time and returning again; for sharing your thoughts with us via the comments section; for sharing our links on Facebook, Twitter and other platforms; for disagreeing so politely (and even not so politely); and most of all, for supporting our efforts with your continued readership.

Have a wonderful summer holiday season and we look forward to presenting 2018’s first issue to you on 15 January.

Cate Swannell is a journalist with 29 years’ experience. She is the editor of MJA InSight, and the news and online editor of the Medical Journal of Australia.

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