Fewer HPV shots effective
TWO doses of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine may be as effective as three, according to research published by the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. The researchers investigated the protection provided by two doses and one dose of the HPV vaccine because of the cost and logistical problems with the standard three-dose regimen. They said their data suggested that 50% more women could be vaccinated with a two-dose regimen, and this could potentially reduce cervical cancer incidence more than the current standard three-dose program, although they warn that it is not yet known whether protection will last as long. The research was reported in The Guardian.
Fatherless boys
BOYS aged between 11 and 16 years without a father go through puberty later, even after adjusting for other childhood adversities, according to new research in Biology Letters. However, father absence before age 7 was associated with early reproduction. The study, which tested whether father absence is associated with the timing of reproduction-related events among boys, was reported in the Sydney Morning Herald.
Daily drink improves health
MIDDLE-aged women who regularly consumed one to two alcoholic drinks daily appear to have better overall health in old age compared to non-drinkers, women who drank sporadically or those who periodically binged, according to a study conducted at the Harvard School of Public Health. The study was reported by the ABC’s AM program.
Managers have bigger brains
PEOPLE with managerial experience throughout their working life have a larger hippocampus at age 80, University of NSW research has found. The researchers said this could be linked to the unique mental demands of managing people, such as continual problem solving. The study was reported by The Age.
Stroke rate in young rising
ACUTE ischemic stroke rates have increased between 1995 and 2008 among people aged 15 to 44 years, according to US research published in the Annals of Neurology. Hypertension, diabetes, obesity, lipid disorders and tobacco use were among the most common coexisting conditions, and their prevalence increased among people aged 15 to 44 with acute ischemic stroke. The study was reported by BBC News.
Posted 12 September 2012
How about we use the extra HPV shots to immunise 50% more boys?